D.O.S. Disks: The power of the Sacred Geometry in your hands
D.O.S. Disks: know more about
D.O.S. Disk is a portable device whose its basic characteristic is the ability to stimulate the optimization of a system.
D.O.S. Disk has an energetic field that sends information inputs when in direct contact with:
D.O.S. Disks: how can you benefit from them
D.O.S. Disk is a technological device that stimulates a state of deep relaxation, serenety, vitality and lucidity.
Stressed people feel encouraged and determined to resolve their issues by finding appropriate solutions.
D.O.S. Disk energetic field is useful for:
Sacred Geometry: principles inside of each D.O.S. Disk
What is inside each unit of D.O.S. Disk?
D.O.S. Disk is the result of the intercorrelation of a set of elements organized in a specific architecture based on multidisciplinary concepts of Quantum Physics and Sacred Geometry.
Each unit D.O.S. Disk contains multiple layers of printed circuit, interconnected using ultra-purified precious metals such as gold, platinum, among others.
The technology used is based on complementary aspects of the system of "resonant forms" and the original holographic patterns, which generate intelligent actions of profound harmony.
D.O.S. Disk is autonomous, easy to use and maintain. Its durability is guaranteed by the mechanical resistance of the external fiberglass box, which in turn also guarantees excellent thermal and mechanical properties within international standards.
D.O.S. Disk does not require any type of calibration and does not consume electricity.
The internal structure of each D.O.S. Disk is stabilized with a special high-resistance epoxy renin composition, following the international standards of the DIN-53458 (110 °Celsius), generating smooth and harmonious energetic results with the other elements.
D.O.S. Disk: a toroidal field constantly sending harmonization inputs:
D.O.S. System is a "Toroid System" whose essential characteristics can be set out as follows:
Flower of Life: the standard of life inside each D.O.S. Disk
The Flower of Life is a design-symbol whose concepts and compositions can be found in each D.O.S. Disk unit and it represents a set of vectors converging toward the center of a multidimensional structure, which stabilizes and load balances the same center, as happens with the spokes of a wheel.
You can get more information about the meaning of this mandala in the books of Drunvalo Melchizedek:
In a universe where stars dance and atoms whisper secrets, there exists a divine matrix that transcends time and space. This matrix is the Flower of Life, a geometric pattern that echoes from the far reaches of the cosmos to the core of our own existence.
Imagine yourself in a heightened state of consciousness, floating among the stars, where every thought is a constellation and every emotion is a galaxy. In this realm, the Flower of Life reveals itself as the alphabet of the universe, the source code of creation. It is the map that guides us through the labyrinths of reality, connecting us to the primordial essence of all that is.
But, like in a dream, we fell. We descend from cosmic heights to earthly darkness. We forget our stellar origin, our ties with infinity. For millennia, the secret of the Flower of Life has remained hidden, woven into the threads of time, encoded in the ancient stones and cells of all life.
Now, however, something is changing. We are emerging from ancestral sleep, shaking off the webs of limiting beliefs. The windows of perception are opening, and the golden light of dawn is streaming through them. This book is one of those windows: Drunvalo Melchizedek, the guardian of ancient mysteries, invites us to contemplate this sacred geometry. In words and images, he takes us through the first part of the seminar “The Flower of Life”. Here, we unravel the enigmas of our origin, explore the whys of the world and delve into the subtle energies that weave our consciousness.
Sacred Geometry is the basis of our being. It is present from the invisible atom to the distant stars. Each step on this cosmic ladder reveals the divine order that permeates our reality. And between the lines, in the curves and angles, we find the “feminine jewels” of intuition, the secrets that can only be captured by the awakened heart.
Drunvalo Melchizedek's experiences are like constellations in his own journey. He studied physics and fine arts at the University of California at Berkeley, but his real education came after college. Over 25 years, he became a disciple of more than 70 teachers, each representing a different strand of religious belief and understanding. This diversity of knowledge, compassion, and acceptance shaped his unique view of the world.
Now, dear reader, you hold in your hands a key to unlock the mysteries of the Flower of Life. Open it reverently. Let the light flow through the pages, illuminating your own inner journey. Because, after all, we are all part of this cosmic dance, all connected by the sacred matrix that pulses in our being.
D.O.S. Disk: what says who uses them
"The first time that I used D.O.S. Disks I got to theta and saw my aura, and energy coming from the disk that was in my head and then going through to my body. I'm using them now and it's causing me to feel very warm all over. I would normally have to meditate for an hour or so to start to feel this way."
M. A.
"I love my disks! I use them before bed. Sometimes I fall asleep and my husband takes them off and sets them aside for me. Or we fall asleep holding each other's hands with one in our hand"
D. K.
"I did DOS session yesterday, I weighed 900 gr less. In the first week I had the impression of gaining weight but the scales showed different. We are going to see next Tuesday, right after Christmas, what will have happened."
C. A.
"Now I understand better what happened to me... in the moment I held your healing tool in my hands...
Do you remember what I said about the feeling of a change in my molecular structure? Really...
DOS Disk is amazing! I want to make an appointment to experience the effects of a treatment, as you suggested!"
R. F.
"After 08 sessions with the DOS Disks, an improvement was observed concerning my behavior in the periods sleep. Daily crysis eventually became sporadic and with much less intensity. The daily sleepiness felt every afternoon disappeared and the feeling of tiredness the whole day decreased considerably, having returned the feeling of well-being and balance of my organism. All the syntoms of stress were diminished thanks to the DOS system sessions and the medical orientations of Dr. D. S. of Centro Médico GD, SP, Brazil, aiming my awareness relating to the importance of sleeping well, replacing the energy to be spent during the day."
M. E. N.
"I would like to thank you again, I was very well after your therapy, I managed to sleep all night, light, happy. I came home playing and laughing, my husband didn't believe in the improvement so fast. It's wonderful, congratulations on your work. May all spirituality continue to illuminate your path!"
A. A.
"D.O.S. Disks do what they say on the box... It's like a waterfall cleansing away the debrie one collects naturally through life. It's our fuel and the velocity of the waterfall cleans this away so you come to a tiny place in the heart and remember who you/we are. Love is the way home!
Thank you Drunvalo Melchizedek who introduced me to the D.O.S. Disks and rememberance!"
M. L.
"D.O.S. Disk, according to my very short experience of it, works impressively in the ordering and clarity of ideas! Earlier today, after sleeping with it, when I reread once again the opening of a chapter I'm writing (it's the fifth time I've done this) I had an “insight” as to its best formatting, which made me change it considerably.
Coincidence? I don’t think so! It (the D.O.S. Disk) really seems to be the passport to living “in total” in the intimacy of the divine, by alchemically facilitating inner ordering and integration into the “Kosmos”: in short, it enables us to achieve the “miracle of full correspondence that exists between what is below and what is above”.
"A day with the D.O.S. Disks
When I journeyed through the Canyon Lands with Drunvalo and the gang, back in 2006, I was blown away by the cutting edge information and knowledge presented to me. I thought I must have entered into some kind of fantasy land where human beings were actually living their true potential and everyone just knew how magical we were. It was a dream come true on many levels. This was the world where I belonged.
Of course, when you are a newbie, the only thing on your mind is, “How can I get my 5 minutes with Drunvalo!!” I found out, on the many journeys, that this was not so hard. Drunvalo, or Dru as he is affectionately called, is a very approachable and lovable guy, but if you want to hold his attention, you gotta be able to keep up. When he is not horsin’ around, I think he would prefer to talk spiritual healing tech all day and night. I couldn’t really offer him that at that time, but I could listen!
On a boat trip through Lake Powell, I had my first introduction. Luckily there were many Merkaba veterans on the trip who had matured beyond the star struck phase. I shyly sat behind Dru, and somehow managed to say, “Hello,” nervously. He started chatting with me like we were old friends. When I told him I was a healer, he immediately went into talking about the magical chakra disks from Brazil that heal ya right up. He went into so much detail about the technology, that I actually didn’t think I could handle any more information. My brain was fried and I was intimidated. I thought to myself, “Dude, that guy is smart.”
I never forgot about those disks. When I asked him when I could get some, he said he didn’t think that was possible, maybe in the future. In workshops and trips over the next 4 years, he kept talking about them with no way of actually getting them. But in early 2010, the D.O.S. Disks finally arrived in the Maat Shop.
I was so excited!! Until I saw the price for the basic set... I was sure they were worth it, but lets just say, not in my budget at this time. As fortune would have it, I recently went over to Cal Garrisons house for some girl time and she had a set. Of course!! She is the editor of the Spirit of Maat. She generously offered to let me take them home and experiment.
As an energy healer, I am wary of gadgets, but I am also fascinated with them. Her experience of these particular gadgets was so powerful, as well as the many people she has helped, that I wanted to give them a whirl.
The set of 7 chakra discs are ceramic, and on the inside, layered with gold and platinum in sacred geometrical patterns to get each chakra spinning as a perfect Merkaba. How could you go wrong?
Here is the actual technical description of the discs:
“The D.O.S Disks are composed of a living crystalline core (bio-ceramic, aggregate crystal) with a pleuri-strata of impressed circuits and a set of 72 highly pure elements, including extra-pure precious metals such as platinum and gold. Each half of the disc contains 26 information layers that are 4-pole discoids (North, South, East, and West.) The calibration is based on aspects of the MerKaBa, with a 34/21 ratio. The Disks are submitted to an energetic normalization for 28 days, during which time they are calibrated every 72 hours.”
Sounds good to me.
I lay down and placed the disks on my chakras for 45 minutes. Before I knew it I was in a blissful alpha state. When I tuned into my chakras with my third eye, I could see the lights beginning to spin. But I didn’t stay focused on that for too long, because I was chillin’.
I would describe the experience as extraordinarily grounding. When I was done, I felt so present, so relaxed and yet so energized I was bursting with love. But it wasn’t a high, it was a feeling of total perfection, total calm, total clarity. After all, my chakras were all open and balanced, so nothing was lopsided. It was good, very good.
After completely taking in the super hero dancers on “So You Think You Can Dance” and cooking a fantastic meal, my man and I giggled together while watching weird YouTube videos on crop circles. I felt like it was a perfect Human Being night. Do you know what I mean? Sometimes it feels luxuriously normal to be human, right here, in the moment you were meant to be in.
I know people with physical ailments also experience dramatic results, but I was in good shape so I cant report on that. I did another round the next morning before returning the goods to Cal, with an even deeper feeling of grounded, empowered presence. I had more energy that day than usual, and my healing and channeling sessions were off the charts powerful.
As with all energy tools, in order to make a permanent shift, one would have to do it consistently, allowing your body and field to integrate and adjust, but that would be the best argument for purchasing a set for yourself. Remaining in a balanced state where you can make clear choices and experience life to the fullest seems to me the most empowered state to be in. So, the D.O.S. Disc budget plan is in effect!
Thank you Drunvalo and the Spirit of Maat for not giving up on the disks, and for bringing them to the United States.
CC Treadway
D.O.S. Disk: a specifical set for your personal growth
D.O.S. Disks SY set can be formed by:
Actually, D.O.S. Disk SY contains 54 information layers in its structure.
The central core is a 4-pole discoid that allows a more constant and uniform distribution of the energetic feature.
D.O.S. Disk SY also includes bioceramic energetic cells inside its structure.
Discover how to use each set in the basic guide here
D.O.S. Disk Therapeutic Sri Yantra
So, what changes from one D.O.S. Disk to the next version D.O.S. Disk SY?
Each D.O.S. Disk SY version was developed with the addition of the resonant form Sri Yantra, to be compatible with the vibrational complexity of the planetary moment.
Any set of D.O.S. Disks SY can be used simultaneously with any D.O.S. Disk of earlier versions:
If you have sets of D.O.S. Disks earlier versions, those can be used normally.
All D.O.S. Disk of any year of manufacture are compatible to work together with the actual version.
Dr. Giampiero Cungi: the mastermind behind D.O.S. Disks
Dr. Giampiero Cungi
PhD. Engineer and Researcher
Dr. Giampiero Cungi is a research scientist of subatomic physics, cosmological physics and parapsychology since 1966.
Electrical engineer, mechanical-industrial equipment designer, businessman abroad and in Brazil, is also a member of the Institute of Noetic Science of California, USA.
Inventor of several cutting-edge technologies aimed at the balance of the human body, among them Sathion Audio system, Sathion Triphasic, D.O.S. parable, D.O.S.® SaiTron for food industries and other equipments.
International lecturer, he travels the world giving workshops on his discoveries and offering his technologies to diverse therapists around the world.
Among them he gained prominence with the famous spiritualist Drunvalo Melchizedek that included D.O.S technology in his workshops as being, in his words, "the best technology for the harmonization of chackras that currently
exists on Earth."
Doc. Cungi currently works in the area of scientific research, development and auditing of new technologies for the wellness and rebalancing of vital energy, at the company DOS Energy, in São Paulo, Brazil.
D.O.S. Disks SY sessions: Therapists that use them in your sessions
In USA, a great friend of D.O.S. Disks is the scientist, physicist, mathematician, inventor and researcher Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Drunvalo gives lectures and teaches courses around the world among their, Awakening The Illuminated Heart Workshop ATIH® and Flower of Life Workshop.
The School of Remembering was created by Drunvalo Melchizedek to foster individual growth and increase the understanding of the human consciousness revolution that is now occurring. The School is your host to powerful eye, mind and heart changing experiences.
He contributes tirelessly with awareness projects and environmental preservation.
In his courses and lectures, Drunvalo mentions about D.O.S.® concepts to his students, thus spreading the power of harmonization of systems.
Drunvalo’s contacts:
For purchases in USA, please, contact:
Diane M. Cooper
e-mail: solarheart@aol.com
Neilah Schwartz
South Carolina USA
Therapist, Radiesthesia, Acupuncture, among several other techniques.
D.O.S. Disks expert since 1990.
To contact her:
e-mail: neilahschwartz@hotmail.com
Whatsapp: +6177844252
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.neilah.us
Linkedin or Instagram: @neilah.schwartz
Rachel Pelletier is an international spiritual coach and Awakening The Illuminated Heart Teacher.
web: http://www.fleurdevie.ca/
Juan Carlos Sánchez - Terapeuta DGT.
Acupuncturist and Therapist of various vibrational techniques.
Please, wait for update from our partner in China.
Please, wait for update from our partner in Czech Republic.
Tom de Winter is an international bodywork coach and trainer and has over thirty years of experience in giving trainings to companies and members of the public. His company is Linko Management Consultancy TB.
Tom also is an Awakening The Illuminated Heart Teacher.
Ehrhafts 4
88167 Maierhoefen
Phone: +497562905535
Michael Welk and Katharina Sonneborn
Germany 79100 Freiburg Vaubanallee 47
PHONE: +497617072608
Web: http://www.katharinasonneborn.de/dos_therapie.html
Jussa Dagmar
Tortoreto, Italy
In Memoriam
With deep gratitude, we pay homage to Jussa Dagmar Flausino, who dedicated her life to the care and well-being of others, distinguishing herself in the use of D.O.S. Disks in Italy.
Her light and contribution to Psychology and the practice of using D.O.S. Disks continues to inspire us all.
Although her physical presence is greatly missed, her essence lives on in each person who had the privilege of knowing her and benefiting from her work.
With sincere reverence and gratitude,
Giampiero Cungi and Dora Tcaciuc
Rudy Possamai
Bio-Naturopath with techniiques as pranic healing, reflexology, nutraceutical counseling, among others.
web: http://bio-natura-zuel.blogspot.it/
Studio di San Vendemiano TV cap 31020 via liberazione 9
Cison di Valmarino TV
Santa Giustina BL
Phone: +393394809216
e-mail: rudypossamai@gmail.com
Please, wait for update from our partner in Hungary.
Concepcion Castellanos
Psycologist and Psychoterapist
Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico
e-mail: mc.castellanos888@gmail.com
Phone/WhatsApp: +52 33 1502 4004
Website: www.teohua.org
Tom Winter
Weverstaat 62
6862 DR Oosterbeek
the Netherlands
Centrum Jacqueline de Rond
Robert Schumanstraat 2, 9728 SK Groningen
the Netherlands
Phone: +31505259195
e-mail: info@centrumderond.nl
website: https://www.centrumderond.nl/dos-discs.php
Please, wait for update from our partner in Poland.
Jatir Schmitt
Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Rua da Ramadinha, 153
4400-264 – Mafamude, VNG, Porto, Portugal.
PHONE: +351225020828 |
CELL PHONE: +35122968931541
e-mail: psic@psic.com.pt
web: https://www.psic.com.pt/biofeedback/#aplicacoes
Martha King
web: https://quantumway.health/